MasterPeace is a partner in the “Metaverse Learning Hub” (MLH) project

MasterPeace is a partner in the “Metaverse Learning Hub” (MLH) project (, which is dedicated to empowering youth workers to enhance digital and human skills among disadvantaged youth, including young refugees from Ukraine. We believe this adds great value to the 60 licensed NGOs in 40+ countries that are members of the MasterPeace global network.

This project (co funded by the EU) addresses the critical need for developing competencies that can thrive in digital environments, fostering social inclusion and resilience in a rapidly changing world.

MLH provides an array of tools and educational resources, including immersive virtual experiences and hands-on instructions of how to integrate evidence-based resources and good practices in their interventions with youth. Central to these resources and good practices is the aim of building digital literacy and interpersonal skills, essential for navigating both the metaverse and real-life challenges (card game), which will be developed in the context of the MLH project.

Offering an engaging virtual environment for skill development and interactive simulations, a physical card game, and suggestions of how evidence-based resources can enhance youth interventions.

Source : MLH Website

MLH seeks to equip youth workers with the capabilities needed to effectively support young individuals in building meaningful skills for their development. The project will extend its impact beyond direct educational tools and materials by offering policy recommendations.

Specifically, after >>

  1. conducting a thorough literature review on the topic;
  2. A needs analysis with youth workers
  3. By testing both the immersive learning experience and the accompanying card game, MLH will gather insights to enhance existing policy frameworks at the national and EU levels.
  4. Our recommendations will aim to refine and strengthen approaches to digital and human skills development, ensuring that policies are well-aligned with the evolving needs of disadvantaged youth and effectively support the integration of innovative educational practices.


Our Youth workers have access to evidence-based materials and proven practices tailored to the unique needs of disadvantaged youth. Our approach emphasizes practical outcomes and tangible benefits, focusing on community changes and how these tools, methodologies, and resources can facilitate impactful interventions and positive changes within communities.

Finally, MLH includes comprehensive guides for implementing specific interventions based on the insights gained from previous similar experiences. These plans are designed to be straightforward, empowering youth workers to execute effective programs and activities that seamlessly integrate theoretical knowledge with practical applications, ultimately bridging the gap between learning and doing in their work with youth.

We are proud to share these insights and build the capacity of our global and regional networks.

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