ACT! in Education Lab
The ACT! in Education Lab is an interactive platform to provide teachers, trainers and educators with useful suggestions, examples and strategies which can be used in digital learning in different school subjects. The Lab was created as part of the ACT! in Education project (see below). The Lab consists of this platform in combination with our e-learning platform, that also contains more relevant tools (for ex. SELFIE) and a forum.
Any related suggestions, materials, strategies are welcome to be added to the Lab so we continue to develop together. You can share it through info@masterpeace.org.
ACT! in Education is a project with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union to support Digital Education Readiness leaving no one behind. The project is a co-creation of MasterPeace foundation (the Netherlands), MasterPeace Ro (Romania) and Edu4U (Slovakia). Our common mission is to mobilize talents for a sustainable future and to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) – Quality Education – and SDG 16 – Peace and Justice. The organisations provide expertise in formal and informal education and youth work, including working with minorities and underprivileged youngsters. We are experienced in peacebuilding, youth empowerment and online working.
This project aims to boost transformation of schools and teachers towards blended learning in which no-one is left behind and all have access to quality education.
Project objectives are:
- Train teachers in their didactic and educational skills to use blended learning and sustain this as “the new normal”.
- Inspire and challenge students to start community projects for social inclusion using the theoretical blended learning and provide feedback as part of the learning cycle to their teachers and ICT support.
- Improve knowledge and skills of management, staff and teachers so that they have learned to implement innovative blended curricula on citizenship, understand the needs and opportunities, integrate this in their (ICT) strategy and management and strengthen the local and national ecosystems.
- Share lessons learned internally and externally. We focus on teachers active in the “vertical” domain of Social Science. They will share the knowledge with all other domains so as to transform the teaching in their entire school. Externally schools and teachers will share this in their networks of schools and governments.
On this platform all materials, publications and tips from this project will be shared. These instruments provide a solid background for teachers’ community, and youth workers, and trainers interested in applying innovative methods of teaching with focus on the SDGs and using effective blended learning methods.
Listen to the education professionals and teachers that have already applied ACT! in Education materials in their classrooms.
The main outcomes of the ACT! in Education project are open sourse materials. Teachers, youth workers and other education professionals may follow an online course Bleanded Learning – a Way to Enrich Your Work, download ready-to-use lesson materials or use the handbook for training purposes.
Click on the links below to discover and share the knowledge on blended learning, digitalisation in education and use of art for social change.
To find information about ACT! in Education project and download materials in other languages visit project partners’ websites:
– MasterPeace Ro, Romania masterpeacero.wordpress.com/act-in-education/
– Edu4U, Slovakia edu4you.wixsite.com/edu4u/community
. – MasterPeace Netherlands nl.masterpeace.org/materialen/