ACT! for Liberty
Young people discuss various topics related to liberty while participating in an online game called “The Boiling Frog”. They pick most important topic for them and create a poster attracting attention to this problem. The posters will be distributed in their local community.
→ citizenship: it makes young people aware of their rights and responsibilities related to liberty
→ digital literacy: youngsters participate in a digital game
→ creativity: they need to visualise (draw) the topics that matter for them
→ community project: distribution of their posters in their local community
Every project consists of 5 lessons, including home works and community activity. They utilise the Blended Learning approach – a combination of teacher-led virtual and in-class lessons, individual tasks and group work offline and online. However, the final decision on the format is up to a teacher, based on resources and technology availability.
To set up one of ACT! for Liberty projects click on the icon with chosen language below and download project materials on different topics.

Project materials include:
– a master Project Plan with detailed instructions and links to connected materials;
– presentations for each lesson;
– handouts for students.
There are two topics available right now in each language: Privacy and Freedom. Teachers may also download materials and use our Boiling Frog technique as a template for any other topic relevant for their students.
Together we can create a bigger impact. Have you created your own materials on important topic using provided technic and lesson template? Are you willing to share them with other educational professionals on ACT! in Education Lab? Come in contact with us via email We will upload your lesson plans in English or in your local language and let teachers community know about new topics available.