Ecuador: A successful year for our Ecuador club

In 2017 the talented and ambitious Ligia Benitez Kiamaru decided to become part of our changemaker family as she decided to found a MasterPeace club in Kitu-Ecuador. With over 10-years of experience in the humanitarian and cultural sector all over the world, she decided to settle in her hometown of Quito to use her knowledge and energy to work on the creation of perspective and support social entrepreneurship. In 2018, Ligia and her team dedicated 8 projects to mobilizing and inspiring people through music, art and play. Within the following, we will elaborate on three of these projects. Enjoy the read!
Feria de Emprendimiento Arte y Cultura Rock Revolución (Entrepreneurship Art and Culture Rock Revolution)
One of these succesful projects is called Feria de Emprendimiento Arte y Cultura Rock Revolución, Entrepreneurship Art and Culture Rock Revolution, which started in February 2018 and aims on strengthening the cultural identity of the Province of Pichincha. During the event our MasterPeace club used music, dance, and theater, to engage the local community in cultural activities. Next to that, there was a rock concert and a musical named ‘Let us sing for Peace.’ Everyone wishing to attend the event had to buy a ticket. In return for each ticket various institutions, regarding education would receive a book that educates on topics as pedagogical, cultural, social, political, artistic, economic, and general educational standards. In the end, 5000 tickets were sold so they ended up delivering and a 5.000 books!
Combo de la Reactivación (Combo of Reactivation)
Another project that the team in Ecuador accomplished in 2018 is the Combo de la Reactivación, Combo of Reactivation. The project was carried out in the communities of the coastal region, Manabí and Esmeraldas in 2018. The project focuses on reaching people who emotionally suffered from a natural disaster by opening the dialogue through art, communication and entrepreneurship workshops. Each day, a van would arrive that carries a team of people and materials that are installed in an area with tents and instruments to teach scenic arts workshops and crafts. They reached about 20.000 people, in 2 provinces, 15 communities with 220 workshops.
Ceremonias Equinoccio y Sosticio (Equinox and Solstice Ceremonies)
Besides social impact, they also focus on different ways to create perspective within communities. An example is Ceremonies Equinox and Solstice, Equinox and Solstice Ceremonies. The ceremonies are held in the months of March (new Andean year), June (sacred festival of the sun), September (celebration of fertility, planting) and December (time of renewal). These months are part of their culture in Ecuador and it is important to them to memoir the cultural legacy of their ancestors.
Solstices and Equinoxes, more than a project, is a prayer that is performed through ceremonies, in order to gather more spiritual strength for mother earth and the great spirits. And thus this evokes a purpose of renewal and peace for the world. They find a sacred site, invite groups of people who share this ritual, and invite other participants. The ceremonial space is prepared, with necessary elements and held by a teacher or shaman. The activities are guided by the spiritual master, with sacred mantras, songs, dance, share of sacred tobacco, pamabamesa (food that is shared once blessed), harmonization and among other activities.
In short, our team in Ecuador had a successful year during which they reached more than 45.000 changemakers! We can’t wait to see what this year has in store for them!
You can visit their website here for more information or follow them on Facebook!