MasterPeace is a member of the Education for Climate Coalition and the European Climate Pact.


Many initiatives have been launched in the last 12 months based on the EU Green Deal. We will actively participate in, learn from, and share 2 of them.

1. The European participatory community supports teaching and learning for the green transition and sustainable development.

“’ To make a difference’—this is what the #EducationForClimate Coalition is all about. To make a difference in your school, in your neighborhood, and in the region, you live in and to contribute actively to the green transition our societies are going through.” Former Commissioner Mariya Gabriel

As a flagship initiative of the European Education Area by 2025 and an essential part of the European Green Deal, the Education for Climate Coalition is part of the European Union’s comprehensive approach to environmental sustainability education. Likewise, as a community of practice, it enriches both the Council recommendation on teaching and learning for the green transition and sustainable development and Green Comp, the sustainability competence framework, with its participatory approach for taking action on education for climate challenges on the ground.

MasterPeace will be an active member as we will learn and contribute in specific areas

  1. Building our expertise on the competence framework of sustainability.
    • The aim of GreenComp is to foster a sustainability mindset by helping users develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to think, plan, and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet. GreenComp results from a robust research methodology involving a large and diverse group of experts and stakeholders to build a consensus on an agreed proposal. It provides a general reference model that everyone involved in lifelong learning can use to design learning opportunities aimed at developing sustainability competencies and to assess progress in supporting education and training for sustainability
  2. Boost the impact of our events. MasterPeace focuses on three main events a year:

2. The EU Climate Pact:; My world. My action. Our planet.

The European Climate Pact encourages everyone to act. It is a movement of people united around a common cause, each taking steps in their own worlds to build a more sustainable Europe for us all. Launched by the European Commission, the Pact is part


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