Mexico and Poland: International day of peace

Each year the International Day of Peace (IDP) is observed on the 21st of September. The UN has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Every year, we introduce a theme to our clubs under which they can celebrate this wonderful day. For the 2018 edition we choice ACT! which means Artists Create Together! In pairs, our 46 clubs (23 pairs) will co-create an amazing event. In four pre-IDP stories, we will share why our Club Leaders believe in the importance of the IDP and how they are preparing for the IDP 2018. Today: Mexico and Poland!
The IDP for Mexico and Poland
Creativity is one of the most powerful tools of our clubs – MUSIC, ART, PLAY! Our clubs in Mexcio and Poland decided to build their IDP plans on that beautiful trinity. Sofie de Wulf, Club Leader in Mexico, and Slawomir Nawrot, Club Leader in Poland, both live in cities with challenging social inequalities. As a result, some areas have been deteriorating. Sofie and Slawomir decided to use the IDP to create awareness around the power of the revitalization of these areas. Over the past couple of weeks, these clubs have been supporting each other in this amazing process and we are excited to see the results!
Street Revitalization through Art
In Poland Slawomir will work on a photo exhibition that shows the revitalization of 3 Maja Street in Dabrowa Gornicza. Together with the School of Art, they gathered pictures of 3 Maja street before and after a big revitalization program of last year. Around this photo exhibition, there will be a pop-up exhibition wall to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, choir performances, and joint conversations about the idea of Art & Peace. A cultural event where volunteers and citizens of the municipality can meet to discuss the impact of the revitalization process.
Sofie de Wulf was excited to hear that she was connected with Poland, as their projects are very aligned as revitalization is a big issue in Mexico as well. In Mexico-City, Sofie and her team will make a great mural. Together with this event, there will be the launch of Principia – a mobile phone application that was created together with Microsoft Philanthropies Mexico, UP University of Aguascalientes, UDEM University of Monterrey and the branding company Anagrama.
During these events, the two MasterPeace clubs will broadcast a Peace message from their partner club. By artistically cooperating on such projects, our clubs do not only learn about other cultures but also realize that their challenges are universal and you can always get in touch with someone from the other side of the world to share knowledge and ideas.
We wish you a great IDP!