SkyConcerts 2022 A Resounding Success!
Thank you to the entire MasterPeace community, partners, allies and friends throughout the world, for all your efforts during this Season of Peace and International Day of Peace 2022.
One Sky. One Planet. One Future.
On January 30, 1969, the Beatles performed their last ever public performance on a rooftop…with only the sky above! In September 2022, with people around the world in search of hope, inspiration, and unity; we joined together with others around the world who believe a peaceful and more sustainable future is possible.
During this season of peace we helped spread a message of hope & togetherness through a globally connected event which led to International Day of Peace. Besides music, dance, and theater, there were also dialogue sessions where people had the opportunity to connect over one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as: Quality Education, Gender Equality, Climate Action, and Peace and Partnerships.
In addition to organizing #SkyConcerts all over the world, many expressed their wish for unity and peace by recording a Global Heartbeat. Including a certain legendary rock icon:
On behalf of everyone at MasterPeace we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who organized or participated in a SkyConcert or Global Heartbeat throughout this season of peace. Thanks to you this message travelled around the world, inspiring people of all ages and of all walks of life who share this goal. As we carry this momentum forward in our work throughout the year(s) to come, we invite you to browse our gallery of photos below and check out our Youtube playlist of SkyConcerts 2022.

The heartbeat video is a 20 second recording of a group of people, participants, or audience putting their hands over their hearts and CLAPPING on their chests. The sound should be something like “clap clap” or “boom boom”… two taps on your chest with two hands. Over and over. When more than one person do it at the same time, this sound should increase. The more, the better. Record it and send us the video. We will combine it with the others from around the world.
Watch this video to see an example.
We hope for music or artistic performances on rooftops under the sky. These performances could also feature dialogue sessions on SDG’s. If you don’t have a rooftop, anywhere under the sky can still be a SkyConcert. Obviously if it rains you will have to move indoors or take shelter, we are still proud to put your event on the SkyConcert map.
Leading up to as well as on September 21st, members of our SkyConcerts coalition will be posting (and sharing) video, photo, and written content based on all the different events taking place. We will make a video summary, with highlights of performances as well as the global heartbeat, which will be featured on MasterPeace’s Youtube Channel. With the combined reach of our 10+ partners, each post will reach an audience of over 1 million people spread across the globe.
This summer we will publish the details for our live event on September 21st that will bring together partners. Anyone who is interested will be able to attend online. The details will appear here on the website and be promoted on our social media.
Any event that is focused on the themes of International Day of Peace and taking place in the leadup to September 21st can be a SkyConcert. So if your rooftop event is on September 1st or September 15th, it had still be submitted and featured.
No, MasterPeace does not provide funding for SkyConcerts. We do provide graphics, logos, network connections, and advice that can hopefully help you carry out your event.