Ten years ago I joined MasterPeace and my opening line was “The urgency has never been higher than today” to contribute to a sustainable future for all, to leave no one behind.
Today, I am afraid that I have to repeat myself – the urgency is extremely high.
Let’s take the helicopter view:.

Aart Bos
Global Leadership, MasterPeace

This makes me nervous and afraid, for myself, my kids and my grandchildren. What is left of the planet and what kind of life will there be for residents of earth in
- 2030?
- 2050?

In nature it is often said that there are 3 types of reactions; flee, freeze and fight. In one of the panel sessions during the Change Now Summit, I described the above facts as challenges that leave me only with only one option: to fight for a better future. To use my talents the best way I can. I and we cannot afford to be pessimistic. I am aware of the effort and commitment it will take, and I choose to ACT in my role as Global Leader of MasterPeace. NOW, 24/7.
During the 2 day “Change Now Summit 2022” I met so many people who shared their ideas on how to work towards sustainability. As MasterPeace we are a proud partner of ChangemakerXChange run by Matthias Scheffelmeier, Nick McGirl and their team. They are the driving force behind a coalition of 16 global organisations for changemakers. We are like minded and all fight for positive change for a better future. During the summit a great new platform was launched “The Possibilists Directory”. A global database of grant- making, capacity building and support programs for young changemakers.

All the MasterPeace clubs, their team members, volunteers and the 100.000 who join our projects can benefit from having access to this directory. To find matching opportunities that enable them to grow their talent. My deep belief, trust and hope is that together, with billions of passionate and dedicated people around the world, we outnumber the negative forces in this world. It takes you and me to ACT! NOW!