Be inspired and get ready to innovate and provide quality education to all
(with ready to use materials for teachers)MasterPeace foundation (the Netherlands), Edu4U (Slovakia) and MasterPeace Ro (Romania) finalized the ACT! In Education project. ACT! In Education was supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union to support Digital Education Readiness leaving no one behind. The project is finished, but it is just the start of our joint mission to boost the transformation of schools and teachers towards blended learning in which no-one is left behind and all have access to quality education.
ACT stands for the “doing” part as now is the time to ACT. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, the urgency for quality education in general and blended learning in particular while leaving no one behind has never been so high. ACT stands also for Artist Create Together in the sense that teachers and students are the architects of their own future. All youngsters deserve quality education. Embracing digital opportunities is an opportunity to be innovative, effective and to leave no one behind. The main objective of the project was to boost transformation of schools and teachers towards blended learning in which no-one is left behind and all have access to quality education.
The concrete project outputs are
Ø A handbook/guidebook to organize a blended learning in social science for teachers and trainers
Ø An online course for teachers and trainers on blended learning in social science
Ø Detailed lesson plans and materials to run projects on different subjects in the field of social science and citizenship, implemented and tested by students
Ø The ACT in Education Lab, a knowledge platform to provide teachers, trainers and educators with useful suggestions, examples and methodologies which can be used in digital learning in different school subject. The Lab consist of the platform in combination with the e-learning platform, that contains more relevant tools (for ex. SELFIE) and a forum.
The project accomplished that
ü 9+ teachers have more teaching skills and a broader offer of services relevant in a digital era
ü 270+ students are engaged through the pilot projects and empowered as co-creators of the blended formats
ü 15+ community projects are run with social impact
However, the results and achievement go far far beyond the outputs and numbers. We focused on the transformation using content in the domain of social science. The supporting strategies, processes and organization can be scaled for the use in the other domains of the schools. All the teachers became very passionate about the new way of work and became ambassadors of the use of the outputs.
"I feel more confident now. I tried new methods, I put in practice new ideas. It was for sure an inspiring experience and I have to be thankful for it. I hope that more teachers will approach this concept, blended learning and these five concepts of Act in Education"
Some feedback numbers from the participating teachers on the growth of their skill sets and competencies:
§ 92% shared they developed new skills and 100% shared they were able to upgrade their skills
§ 75% recognizes better their strengths – learned new approaches in education and share experiences on how to motivate the students in distance learning
§ 83% shared they feel more confident in using electronic devices and/or online tools – will be the ambassadors to their other colleagues on their school and its network
Some feedback numbers from the participating students:
§ 92% shared they developed new skills through the project
§ 70% learned to have more fun while learning
§ 45% learned to use electronic devices and learned new online tools to work together
§ 96% recognizes the needs of the community around them and grew in self-esteem and awareness of their talents
§ 88% shared their self-confidence has improved and that they are inspired to participate in education as they can now use their digital skills in the formal education system.
"This project taught me many useful things such as communication and more efficient use of the computer. All the lessons were very creative and fun. We learned, but at the same time we had fun."
So are you ready to improve your skills, learn new things and use innovative lesson materials for your students in line with the digital era?
Go to our ACT! in Education Lab!
All the outputs of the project will remain available on the ACT in Education platform and you are free to share further within your networks.