Throughout the Month of March, MasterPeace Monastir (Tunisia), in partnership with several civil associations, organized a series of activities on the occasion of the celebration of International Women’s Day.
This comes as part of an existing project that aims to give Tunisian women and girls the opportunity to participate actively in social life, show their talents and encourage girls to be creative and to highlight their talents in building Tunisian society alongside men.
While promoting the atmosphere of democracy and the spirit of freedom of opinion, expression and action that was strengthened in Tunisia after the Tunisian revolution that made civil society a source of a wealth of ideas to contribute to the development of the Tunisian mentality.
The project includes several stations to enable Tunisian young women to show their potential and participate effectively in the development of their society step by step with men without discrimination between the sexes: the same rights and duties for women and men.
The project is mainly to allow Tunisian women to contribute and actively participate in building Tunisian society. Contribute to the consolidation of the mentality of equality between women and men in all fields.

- SDG 5: Gender Equality
- SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

Through this project, we try to give women more effectiveness in public life by encouraging them to engage in active and responsible social practice.
The project is important because women in Monastir are able to provide the best for their community. Meeting many girls and women in this project will enable the exchange of ideas between the participants especially since in this forum there are girls with successful projects. And the presence of other girls who can benefit from successful stories in the field of launching projects.
As a result more than 50 girls and women participated in these activities young women who have successful projects in the following specializations were summoned: the manufacture of refreshments and sweets – hairdressers – journalists – poets – writers – painters .
The activity was monitored by: Radio Monastir, RADIO MONASTIR – MOKNINE Channel 24 and some social networking pages in Monastir.
Our project is part of continuing to give Tunisian women and girls the opportunity to participate actively in social life. Show her talents. Encouraging girls to be creative and to highlight their talents in building Tunisian society alongside men.
Celebrating the atmosphere of democracy and the spirit of freedom of opinion, expression and action that was strengthened in Tunisia after the Tunisian revolution made civil society a source of a wealth of ideas to contribute to the development of the Tunisian mentality.
Our project includes several stations to enable Tunisian young women to show their potential and participate effectively in the development of our society step by step with men without discrimination between the sexes: the same rights and duties for women and men.