Denmark and India: International day of peace
Each year the International Day of Peace (IDP) is observed on the 21st of September. The UN has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Every year, we introduce a theme to our clubs under which they can celebrate this wonderful day. For the 2018 edition we choice ACT! which means Artists Create Together! In pairs, our 46 clubs (23 pairs) will co-create an amazing event. In four pre-IDP stories, we will share why our Club Leaders believe in the importance of the IDP and how they are preparing for the IDP 2018.
The IDP for India and Denmark
For the story of this week we had to go (virtually, unfortunately) to two MasterPeace clubs that are 7000 kilometres apart: Bhubaneswar and Ulfborg. These two clubs are extremely dedicated to Quality Education (SDG 4), and therefore a great match for the ACT! event on the International Day of Peace. Last week, we skyped with India and Denmark to talk about their ideas and hopes of the IDP 2018.
Education for Peace
Svetlana Kosenko, our Club Leader in Denmark, works for the Necessary Teacher Training College in Ulforbg. One of their credos is shaping global citizen teachers whom, in their turn, will inspire students to become a global citizen as well. They do this by organizing events that focus on getting to know different perspectives. A great example of such an event is their yearly Peace and Justice Conference, for which they invite speakers with extreme differences in ideals and perspectives. Such events form their foundation for political and cultural exchange, a tool that is essential in the process of becoming a Global Citizen.
In India Dr. Manoranjan Mishra, MasterPeace Club Leader in India, has been working on Education projects for over 20 years with a special focus on social differences and menstrual health. However, he also has a great interest in intercultural exchanges Especially around the IDP they focus on the global importance of peace by inviting 20 swiss students to India whom during the week of the IDP teach children in the slums.
Creating together: From Ulfborg to Bhubaneswar
It was no surprise that Svetlana and Dr. Mishra had an immediate click on the topic of Quality Education and decided to build their IDP plans around this theme. Svetlana got inspired by Dr. Mishra’s exchange program with Swiss as he told her that ‘every year, we invite around 20 Swiss students to educate children in the slums. We always plan this program in the week of the IDP, so both the Swiss students as our students can experience a cultural exchange at that time.’ Svetlana added to Dr. Mishra’s story that that could be a great starting point for a cooperation during the IDP. ‘We could organize a Skype during these classes and initiate a workshop on drawing cultural affiliated symbols’ she said. We were extremely enthusiastic, but considering the practical aspects of internet connection, we decided to slightly adjust the idea by organizing such an event between the teachers of both the Necessary Teachers College (Svetelana her school) and the teachers of Dr. Mishra’s NGO in the form of a Dance workshop! By finding a creative way of exchanging knowledge the teachers will not only get in touch with different cultures, but also different forms of teaching.