F(u)tu(re)_Proof MasterPeace BootCamp 2024
40+ Countries
From Asia, Africa, Americas and Europe
100+ Participants
All member club leaders, the MP core team, the MP Board and partners, MP Romania team
60+ Organizations
MasterPeace Clubs, MasterPeace Partners, Local Organizations from Romania, Invited External Partners
10+ Sessions and Workshops
Covering Diverse issues : Grassroot Peace Movement, Local CSOs and their greater role, Climate Change, AI, Innovation, Artivism, Fundwriting, Inclusive Education, Social Entreprenership, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Capacity Building, etc.
The MasterPeace Bootcamp is the flagship event held every year to bring MasterPeace Club leaders together for a few days of intense interactions and discussions to take the following steps as a global grassroots movement. Since we last met in 2019, a lot has changed. We waved goodbye, gave hugs, and promised to meet next year; however, destiny had other plans for us…We survived a global pandemic together, though many did not. We crossed the tipping point of environmental exploitation, experienced the first major global AI-human interaction and threat, and saw more than half of humanity eligible to vote, yet half of them chose not to. We are witnessing the world reinventing itself, and we play an (active) part in this transformation.
Since looking away is not an option, F(u)tu(re)_Proof comes at a crossroads for our future—the future of our world, our organizations, our MasterPeace, and ourselves— urging and inspiring us to ask critical questions:

1- Strategic Alignment:
Achieve a comprehensive understanding of MasterPeace’s strategy, goals, and how to connect global initiatives to local actions.
2- Networking and Collaboration:
Facilitate opportunities for networking, sharing best practices, and collaborating on projects to enhance skills and impact.
3- Community Building:
Foster a strong, supportive global community, enhance loyalty, and empower MasterPeace clubs/networks to generate actionable ideas for future growth and collaboration.
All sessions in the Bootcamp are modeled in Three Tracks:
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