Germany: Highlights climate & refugees issues

They started with a speech about MasterPeace global, MasterPeace Wiesbaden, the UN goals, the 2 chosen SDGs, and then about the impact MasterPeace Wiesbaden is trying to make in connection to the 2 SDGs. We then had a group activity, BINGO. Everyone was talking to other community members asking them questions about their behavior and attitude towards aspect of environmental and community issues. They closed the formal part of the event with sitting in a round reflective discussion discussing the continuity of their activities towards sustainable development.


MasterPeace Club Wiesbaden, Germany discussed the SDG 11 –Sustainable Cities and Communities– and 13 –Climate Action. The team produced recommendations and inspiration to work towards good accommodation possibilities for young refugees Enhance people’s awareness for our responsibility to take care of our planet.


The MasterPeace team got a clearer vision of their goals. MasterPeace networked with more organizations and attendees. .

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