MasterPeace around the world: Ghana

With #MasterPeace_Around_The_World we focus on the people behind our 45+ MasterPeace clubs. We are built on their ideas, hard work, and creativity and would like to share their stories with you.
In 2016 our MasterPeace club in Ghana started visiting Senior High Schools (SHS) in Central and Western Ghana to spread Awareness on the United Nations Development Goals (SDGs). By involving youth in the process of reaching the Global Goals in 2030 they hope to enthuse the younger generation to become social changemakers and facilitate the path towards a more sustainable Ghana. So far, the tour already reached over 3200 youngsters and it is their ambition to visit all SHSs!
Next to playfully informing the students on the mission and vision of the 17 SDGs, Emmanuel Ankai-Taylor (Club Leader of MasterPeace Ghana) mainly focuses on the local relevance and impacts. Not only are the students asked to prepare assignments before they visit the SDGs tour, they also invite local non-governmental organisations or social enterprises to tell their story. In this manner, they aim on making the SDGs less abstract and hope to encourage youth to initiate or join local initiatives.
‘’The Ghana We Want’’
Eventually, these initiatives must contribute to ‘’The Ghana We Want,’’ the slogan attached to the national development plan that is guided by the Sustainable Development Goals. Although the great successes that Ghana had over the past couple of decades, being the first country in Africa to reduce poverty with 50% and a Primary School enrolment rate of 92%, there are still many challenges that need to be faced. Interested in knowing more about the SDGs in Ghana? Explore our map below.
Sustainable Development Clubs
Currently, MasterPeace Ghana is working on expanding their efforts. Not only will they continue their SDG Awareness Tour until they visited all Senior High Schools in Ghana, they also aim on starting Sustainable Development clubs in various schools and hope to organize inter-school quizzes and debates. We wish MasterPeace Ghana the best of luck with this amazing initiative and hope they will motivate many young changemakers to join their movement!