MasterPeace Global Partners

Learning Planet Institute 

The Learning Planet Institute (LPI), established in 2019 with UNESCO, focuses on innovative education to address youth and planetary needs. By partnering with LPI, we gain access to their cutting-edge methodologies, top-tier research from the University de Paris, and non-formal educational materials, particularly for green schools. This collaboration enhances our educational programs, promoting sustainability and interdisciplinary learning. Additionally, LPI connects us to a global network, opening doors for international collaboration and knowledge exchange. Our partnership also strengthens our advocacy and funding efforts, especially during the annual LearningPlanet Festival, amplifying our impact on education transformation.
Check them out here

Doughnut Ecnomics Action Lab (DEAL)

The Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL), established in 2019, is part of a global movement promoting new economic thinking and action. DEAL’s mission is to create 21st-century economies that are regenerative and distributive by design, ensuring all people’s needs are met within the planet’s limits. By partnering with DEAL, we benefit from their innovative methodologies that integrate social inclusion with planetary boundaries. This collaboration connects us with a global network of changemakers, including influential figures in education, business, and government, enhancing our transformative efforts. DEAL’s resources, such as non-formal educational materials for green schools, bolster our sustainability initiatives. Additionally, participating in DEAL’s events, like the annual Global Doughnut Day, strengthens our climate change advocacy and expands our influence
 Check them out here.

Community Arts Network (CAN)

CAN harnesses the transformative power of the arts for social impact. Co-created by visionaries, CAN is a global platform dedicated to empowering individuals, organizations, and communities through the arts and unconventional alliances to generate meaningful change. As Bertolt Brecht said, “Art is not a mirror to reflect reality but a hammer with which to shape it.” Partnering with CAN connects us to a network of changemakers using the arts to unlock students’ potential, promote climate justice, revitalize democracy, and foster hope. This collaboration offers innovative approaches to youth work and education, enabling us to engage previously unengaged communities. Through CAN, we gain access to a global network, enhancing our capacity for social change and strengthening our campaigns, particularly during events like the International Day of Peace in September.
Check them out here 

UNESCO- Green Education Partnership 

UNESCO- the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, promotes global cooperation in education, sciences, culture, and communication to foster peace and security. Through initiatives like the Greening Education Partnership, UNESCO supports countries in addressing the climate crisis by integrating sustainability into education.
Our partnership with UNESCO empowers us to enhance our educational programs with the Doughnut Economy Methodology, equipping learners with the skills to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and inequality. This collaboration strengthens our climate change campaigns, particularly during the Learning Planet Festival in January and Global Doughnut Days in November. By working with UNESCO, we gain valuable resources and expertise to drive sustainable development and inspire informed, impactful action in our community.
Check them out here 

Ubiquity University

Ubiquity University offers graduate programs focused on inner transformation to foster positive global change. With degrees in Wisdom Studies and transformational learning, Ubiquity emphasizes deep research and personal reflection, producing well-grounded Master’s theses and PhD dissertations. This approach contrasts with traditional materialist universities by valuing the personal journey in academic work.
As a partner, MasterPeace has selected 30 Ubiquity courses tailored for changemakers. These courses enhance personal and professional development and deepen understanding of systems transformation. Additionally, MasterPeace changemakers can share their stories on platforms like the prestigious Humanity Rising webinars, hosted by Jim Garrison, amplifying their impact and reach.
Check them out here 


ChangemakersXchange envisions inclusive communities driven by deep connections and collaborative actions for the wellbeing of people and the planet. Our mission is to provide empowering spaces for changemakers, fostering profound connections, wellbeing, peer-learning, and meaningful collaborations.
As a partner, MasterPeace benefits from ChangemakersXchange’s programs which engage ±1000 changemakers globally through flagship summits and lifelong community support. These programs enhance personal and professional development and equip changemakers with world-class facilitation skills. Additionally, through The Possibilists initiative, we align support systems to optimize the impact of young changemakers.
MasterPeace changemakers also gain access to scholarships, facilitation training, and a vast regional and global network, amplifying their reach and impact in creating sustainable, positive change
Check them out here 

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