Romania: Peace education conference

On the 2nd of April 2019, MasterPeace Romania participated at an international conference organised in collaboration with the South Korean organisation Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). They have all being collaborating on the project “Schools of Peace”, focusing on Quality Education and SDG 4.
Before the conference, representatives of HWPL visited all the schools involved in the project to present the organisation and meet the students. During the conference, the discussions focused on the importance of peace in this constantly developing world. It is crucial to educate the students about the importance of the peace developments of today to create more peaceful societies in the future. Chairman Man Hee Lee, president and founder of HWPL, praised the efforts made by MasterPeace Romania into implementing the curricula developed for the Schools of Peace project. He also appointed a number of Romanian teachers as Peace Educators and congratulated them for their choice to become part of this project.
The president of MasterPeace Romania, Mr. Marian Dragomir, spoke about the development of the project and the success of the activities held within it, also underlining the necessity to continue the implementation of the Peace curricula in Romanian schools. One of the Peace Educators involved in the project, Mr. Marius Dumitru, proposed some feedbacks on how the project was implemented and the impact the activities had had on students. Last, but not least, Ms. Isabel Maglan, a student involved in the project, spoke about her positive experience within the Schools of Peace project from a teenager’s point of view.
Overall, the conference was a big success! Over 500 participants took part in an event that not only had an impact their own visions about peace, but also on those of the next generations to whom they will pass them on.
For more information on how to partner with HWPL, details of projects and programs run by organization, please visit their website.
To connect with MasterPeace Romania, find them on Facebook.