The Magical EYE 2023 | COOLeaders in Slovakia

Three days full of exchanging ideas, bonding with new and old friends, learning, and empowering each other! In the enchanting city of Kosice, Slovakia, hosted by EDU4U, 45 COOLeaders hailing from 15 diverse countries shared a common mission: to collectively cultivate peace during the MasterPeace Europe/MENA Bootcamp “EYE 2023 | COOLeaders; European Youth Leaders Empowered’. 

Our overarching objective was clear: to enhance the capabilities and expertise of our clubs while facilitating the exchange of best practices and knowledge. The BootCamp commenced with an exhilarating day dedicated to the vibrant exchange of ideas and knowledge. Within the conference room, a lively atmosphere prevailed as participants freely shared insights, passed around materials, swapped books, and drew inspiration from one another.

While exploring the captivating landscapes of the Vysoke Tatry region, participants not only forged connections with each other but also immersed themselves in the rich cultural heritage and history of the area.

The second day delved deep into subjects such as Doughnut Economics by Rob Shorter from DEAL (Doughnut Economics Action Lab), Artivism, and Social Entrepreneurship. Innovative workshops, method-sharing sessions, and project revelations were the highlights. Club representatives enriched their understanding, honed their skills, and expanded their knowledge base. They offered mutual empowerment, shared their expertise, established meaningful connections, and laid the groundwork for scaling their projects and methodologies, all within the dynamic setting of “Sponeja Skola” in Sečovce.

Adding a personal dimension to the event, the second day concluded with a heartfelt show of solidarity with the Ukrainian people. This moving moment culminated in a storytelling session led by our colleague Taras from MasterPeace Ukraine. Through compelling narratives, all the youth leaders explored the challenges of being catalysts for change in demanding circumstances.

Participants further deepened their bond with nature and honed their interpersonal skills through a variety of engaging methodologies and workshops. Their voices resonated in harmony as they sang the E(art)h Heartbeat song, symbolizing peace and unity with the Earth.

The primary focus was on cultivating core competencies and methodological expertise in innovative approaches to engage, connect with, and empower their ultimate beneficiaries—the youth. True magic had unfolded on multiple levels. As the BootCamp concluded, the enchantment did not dissipate; it left an indelible impression on the hearts and minds of all who gathered in Kosice.

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