The Peace Justice Conference of MasterPeace Denmark

The Peace Justice Conference became a strong tradition and dates are marked in the calendars of hundreds of people around the world. The year 2020 despite being a challenging year was not an exception. After many important discussions it was held online: powered by DNS The Necessary Teacher Training College and MasterPeace Denmark, inspired by respected peace researcher – Jan Øberg director of TTF – Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research. Folks from every continent joined us on the 17th of May in necessary debates about our future. 

The whole idea of Peace Justice Conference since 2015 is to show, promote, and inspire peace movement. It might seem paradoxical though in our globalized world we often feel alone with our peaceful ideas, our conference aims to change that. We are many and we are acting peace in so many ways. We see our Conference as a progressive educational event, where objectives are to learn from, with, and for people. And we are doing it by involving diverse groups of people in this way creating a Change Generation. The Generation includes everyone who is eager to be part of a positive shift and standing for peace justice. 

Peace Justice Conference is powered by teachers and students from DNS The Necessary Teacher Training College and organized by many – a group of different ages, nationalities, and views. Moving Conference online truly opened the borders for many more to join.  

”In 2020 we found ourselves in crisis the Western World was not expecting. Pandemic on different levels touched each of us. To discuss our future became simply urgent. It brought us to decide the main topic of the Conference – The New World Rises in the East.” Together with Jan Øberg, a respected Danish peace researcher, mediator, and peace commentator as well as an art photographer. We allow ourselves to debate our wishes, visions, and actions. In times of forced “social distancing”, it is important to remind ourselves that to stay safe we shall respect the physical distance, but to be as never before socially active – cause we are the ones deciding what’s next. Peace Justice Conference is exactly about that – looking for opportunities and implementing solutions for our society flourish in unity.  Overall, we reached around 200 people, who were present online on the day of the Conference. 

We produced two digital lessons, which reached and still reaching hundreds of views. These videos are an amazing kick-starter for necessary discussions about the future and change. 

“Looking for opportunities and implementing solutions for our society flourish in unity.”

Digital World is another classroom to explore. Having conferences online meant that representatives from all over the world could join. Actually having such a conference literally broke the borders.



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