Our MasterPeace club in Cameroon, Hope for a Better future, together with local partners Sopisdew and FAP launched a training centre for renewable energy in Bamenda.
The clubleader, Ngo Abdulai Banfogha noticed a gap in skills of trainers (and therefore of students) to enter the job market in renewable energies. Expertise as well as equipment comes in from abroad. Why not invest in local expertise and capacity? Thus, a project idea was born.
The first phase of the project (run by H4BF) was sponsored by Turing Foundation. Thanks to their support, experience was created and the first training sessions were given.
Building on this success, H4BF developed a new project together with 2 local and 2 European partners: Cameroon Renewed. This project is sponsored by the European Union.
The aim is to strengthen the capacities of vocational training institutes and enhance the collaboration between the partners in EU and Cameroon. As a result 9 trainers will be trained and over 200 youths in renewable energies over the next 2 years. Exchanges between students and teachers from Cameroon and Europe are part of the project.
The training project titled « Cameroon Renewed » is being implemented by Hope for A Better Future (H4BF) and supported by three European Union organizations (Noorderpoort, APRO, and MasterPeace) and two other organizations in Cameroon (FAP and SOPISDEW).
The project was launched on Wednesday, March 23 at the HOBEFI center in Bamenda in the presence of the Divisional Officer of Bamenda 1 Sub Division, the Mayor of Bamenda 1 Council, the Regional Delegate of Vocational Training, and other administrative and local officials likewise representatives of development and humanitarian agencies in the North West region.
The objective of the project is to improve and increase the capacity of vocational education teachers and trainers; to boost their exposure using 21st-century and innovative renewable energy blended vocational education materials.
The primary target groups of the project include vocational education organizations and teachers, youths within the age group of 16-30 years, (60% female/40% male), employees of business partners, the private sector, local decision-makers and other etc.
At the end therefore, we intend to have 9 trainers trained and 200 students trained who will create personal business plans hosted by 25 businesses.
By this project the partners in Cameroon are creating perspective to the youngsters, providing them with engineering skills that are needed by the labour market.