Masterpeace Sudan colorful Peace Day celebration
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.
Masterpeace Sudan in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Y-PEER, Omdurman Cultural Centre and MAXMEDIA celebrated the International Peace Day and the launching of Masterpeace-Sudan.
The day was attended by Non-governmental and International organizations representatives, Keynote speeches was presented by Ms. Julia Paulsson; Head of GBV unit at the United Nations Population Fund, Mr. Hory Albashir; Country Director of Masterpeace Sudan, also inspired stories of youth-lead organization’s representatives coming from all round Sudan Mustafa; North Kordofan state, Zainab; North Darfur state – Person with visual impairment , Abdalla; Gadarif state, Einas; Red Sea state – Person with hearing disability where they reflect their ambitious hopes to contribute to the successful democratic transition of Sudan, along with a speech of the role of art in the Sudanese revolution, presented by Nafeesa Ibrahim; Youth programs coordinator – Masterpeace Sudan.

The day was also offering a platform for young entrepreneurs representing Do It Yourself- Sudan (DIY) showcasing their products and services stating that entrepreneurs can boost the economic growth by introducing innovative technologies, products, and services. Increased competition from entrepreneurs challenges existing firms to become more competitive. Also, to providing new job opportunities in the short and long term.
Three traditional dancing groups from different Sudanese backgrounds has also participated along with an advocacy play presented by Y-Peer Sudan talented team.
Our deep appreciation to Ms. Marwa Galaleldin; Youth Associate UNFPA and Tabarak Shukri; communication and advocacy assistant and Omdurman Cultural Center team.