
Launching of “Karachi Interfaith Network” for Interfaith Harmony

Our MasterPeace Club of Karachi, Pakistan started 2022 with a successful launching ceremony of “Karachi Interfaith Network.” The event was held on January 23, 2022, by Shaoor Foundation with the collaboration of MasterPeace Pakistan. It was a launching ceremony event where 30 experienced leaders from Karachi (Mr. Kelash Sarhadi of MP Pakistan was one of

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International Day of Education With A Focus On Youth and Mental Health

We tend to think of school in terms of teachers, students, and the lessons that are covered over a school year. Others might also think of facilities and materials, with access to technology getting a good amount of attention in the wider discussion of education. Before the pandemic, which led to the closure of schools

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De-Light-Full Dialogues; Celebrating Intergenerational Exchange

Organized by the Hague Center for Global Governance Innovation and Emerge with support from Anna Lindh foundation along with creative partners MasterPeace, AIESEC, the POP movement and several other world-wide youth leadership partners. The de-light-full space is a platform where age has no bar to hold a vision for a regenerative, inclusive future and co-create

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What MasterPeace Means to Us

https://youtu.be/sOOhIkRb1WAhttps://youtu.be/WWZVdsq7VYIhttps://youtu.be/8wD1wj5SEgwhttps://youtu.be/49ntXc7dW8Mhttps://youtu.be/ok5r-pNPlKshttps://youtu.be/saZEEB8N0as One of the most enjoyable aspects of celebrating an anniversary is getting to hear from friends, allies and partners about what this relationship means to them. We’ve put together a playlist of messages, statements, recollections, and thematic sessions recorded throughout our month-long celebration of MasterPeace’s 10th birthday. A big thank you to club leaders,

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