
Wall of Connection op het St. Bonifatius College – NEDERLANDS

Wall of Connection op het St. Bonifatius College – NEDERLANDS

On September 13, 2024

Muurschildering St. Bonifatius College - Boni en de wereld

Het St. Bonifatius College bestond in het schooljaar 2022-2023 100 jaar. Een prachtige gelegenheid om de school te eren met een MasterPeace “Wall of Connection”.

Tijdens dat schooljaar hebben MasterPeace en Munir de Vries de handen ineen geslagen om een serie aan lessen te verzorgen waarbij 20 leerlingen werden meegenomen in het proces, van ontwerpen tot uitvoeringsfase, van het maken van een muurschildering. Ook hebben de leerlingen nagedacht over wat zij belangrijk vinden in de wereld en zijn ze op zoek gegaan naar  verhalen van wijkgenoten, schoolgenoten, docenten en/of de geschiedenis van de school en de buurt. Ze hebben geleerd hoe ze deze verhalen kunnen omzetten in visualisaties en/of een kunstwerk, en hebben zo input gegeven voor deze “Wall of Connection”.

Met de input van de leerlingen heeft kunstenaar Munir de Vries een ontwerp gemaakt. De leerlingen hebben hem geholpen met het aanbrengen van de muurschildering om zo eigenaarschap en zelfvertrouwen te creëren voor de leerlingen

“Ik vond het heel leuk om te helpen met spuiten en het is leuk om je eigen werk terug te kunnen zien”, aldus één van de leerlingen.

De muurschildering staat voor groei. Het St. Bonifatius College vormt de basis voor leerlingen, waarna zij de wijde wereld in gaan. “Het hoofd is een zaadje, dat staat voor het zien van de groeipotentie in mensen”, aldus kunstenaar Munir de Vries.

De leerlingen vinden het ontwerp goed bij de school en hun ontwikkeling passen; “Ik vind het ontwerp echt een goed en mooi idee, want het is een zaadje dat groeit, en dat laat zien hoe wij uiteindelijk ook vanuit de middelbare school groeien”. 

Daarnaast toont de muurschildering de verbinding van de school met de wijk en de wereld. De muur is voor een groot deel baksteen en in het kleurenpalet is gebruik gemaakt van groen, dat aansluit op de bomen en omgeving, en paars en bruin/oranje dat aansluit bij de kleuren van de school. De vensters in de muur sluiten aan op de verdiepingen waardoor de koppeling met de binnenkant van de school wordt gemaakt.

“Wij als Boni, en ik als kunstdocente, zijn blij en trots dat er meer kunst is en dat deze muurschildering daar aan bijdraagt. De muurschildering verbeeldt de leerlingen, de identiteit van Boni en staat in verbinding met de buurt en met alle medewerkers en leerlingen van de school.” Aldus kunstdocente Gabrielle Meijer

Op dinsdag 3 september werd de muurschildering, in het bijzijn van leerlingen, docenten en wijkgenoten, officieel geopend.

We kijken terug op een hele fijne en leuke samenwerking met het St. Bonifatius College en Munir de Vries. Er zijn ook alweer plannen gemaakt voor vervolg samenwerking voor de invulling van de Boni+ uren voor het schooljaar 2024-2025.

MasterPeace Walls of Connection

Waar muren er vaak voor zorgen dat mensen letterlijk en figuurlijk van elkaar gescheiden worden, ziet MasterPeace een kans om mensen juist met elkaar te verbinden. Door deze ‘Walls of Seperation’ samen om te toveren tot ‘ Walls of Connection’ willen we mensen met verschillende achtergronden en culturen samenbrengen om hun verhalen te vertellen in beelden.

In het kader van Utrecht 900 jaar ontwikkelde MasterPeace in 2022 samen met kunstenaars Munir de Vries en de Verfdokter een serie muurschilderingen. Geïnspireerd op de visie van jongeren op hun ‘stad zonder muren’, het thema van de viering van 900 jaar stadsrechten. De kunstwerken laten een duurzame herinnering achter aan de viering. Het creëren van een Wall of Connection op het St. Bonifatius College is een mooie toevoeging aan deze serie.

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Dit project is mede mogelijk gemaakt door:

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On August 29, 2024
MasterPeace is a global, multi-award-winning, positive grassroots network of NGOs, social enterprises, partner organizations, active citizens and artists that make a difference locally; at school, in the streets and in the communities. From Kathmandu, Nairobi and Utrecht to Medellin. MasterPeace is active in more than 45 countries. Through a social franchise model we license local organizations as MasterPeace clubs.
The FInancial Lead of MasterPeace is responsible for leading the financial management of the organization.
The financial management includes planning, organization, control and monitoring of the financial resources of the organization to achieve its goals.
Location: Bulgaria
The financial management at MasterPeace achieves the following:
  • Maximizes the efficient and effective use of the organization's resources.
  • Enhances MasterPeace’s reporting to fiscal authorities and donors.
  • Builds respect and trust among partners and beneficiaries.
  • Strengthens MasterPeace’s competitiveness in securing increasingly scarce resources.
  • Ensures long-term financial sustainability for the organization.
Key Responsibilities
1. Strategic Financial Management
  • Responsibilities:
    • Develop and implement financial policies and procedures aligned with strategic objectives.
    • Lead budgeting, forecasting, and financial planning processes across the organization and projects.
    • Raise and manage resources efficiently to support key activities.
    • Collaborate with leadership to ensure long-term financial viability, including planning to cover current and future expenditures, as well as incidental costs.
    • Provide strategic financial guidance to secure the organization's financial sustainability.
2. Financial Compliance and Reporting
  • Responsibilities:
    • Ensure compliance with financial regulations, donor requirements, and legal obligations regarding revenue and expenditure management.
    • Prepare accurate financial statements and reports for both fiscal authorities and donors, improving transparency.
    • Coordinate audits, manage relationships with auditors, and strengthen internal control systems.
    • Update liquidity forecasts and monitor cash flow to maintain financial health.
    • Maintain up-to-date records to ensure reliable reporting and strengthen trust with partners and beneficiaries.
3. Operational Financial Management
  • Responsibilities:
    • Oversee accounts payable/receivable, payroll, and benefits administration, ensuring legal compliance in financial transactions.
    • Manage financial details of contracts and agreements with co-applicants and third-party partners.
    • Provide financial analysis to support resource planning and decision-making at the project level.
    • Monitor and update liquidity schemes, ensuring that payments to suppliers and co-applicants are timely and accurately executed.
    • Regularly review and analyze the financial pipeline, updating the MP dashboard accordingly.
4. Project and Budget Management
  • Responsibilities:
    • Oversee the creation, implementation, and monitoring of budgets at both the organizational and project levels.
    • Manage donor funds and ensure adherence to grant requirements, ensuring that funds are used effectively for their intended purposes.
    • Support project managers by providing financial data and analyses to improve budget and expenditure management.
    • Update financial forecasts based on project progress, including HR and Out-of-Pocket expenses, and coordinate payments.
    • Ensure revenue/expenditure management is efficient, optimizing the economic impact for the organization.
5. Risk Management and Financial Viability
  • Responsibilities:
    • Identify, assess, and minimize financial risks to ensure the organization’s financial stability.
    • Regularly analyze revenue and expenditure forecasts, ensuring that the organization can cover both current and future expenditures.
    • Create cost-cutting strategies if liquidity forecasts fall below acceptable thresholds.
    • Ensure financial sustainability by securing adequate future revenues and reserves for incidental costs.
6. Stakeholder and External Partner Management
  • Responsibilities:
    • Manage relationships with external partners (e.g., auditors, payroll service providers, tax authorities) to ensure compliance and accurate reporting.
    • Support fundraising and income generation efforts by providing necessary financial data and analysis.
    • Manage financial aspects of contracts, co-applicant agreements, and grant agreements, ensuring all obligations are met.
    • Engage with third-party partners to ensure that financial audits and external reporting requirements are completed efficiently.
7. Leadership and Team Management
  • Responsibilities:
    • Lead, supervise, and mentor finance staff to ensure efficient financial operations.
    • Provide training and financial guidance to program and project managers to enhance their understanding of financial management.
    • Facilitate collaboration within the finance team to ensure smooth execution of financial responsibilities.
    • Lead discussions on monthly financial bookings, ensuring all teams are aligned on financial forecasts and liquidity.
8. Control and Audit
  • Responsibilities:
    • Coordinate and support audits, ensuring all legal, donor, and internal requirements are met.
    • Maintain strong internal controls to safeguard organizational assets.
    • Prepare for regular board meetings, presenting liquidity and dashboard overviews.
    • Facilitate the creation of financial year reports, signed by board members and co-leaders, ensuring compliance with legal and audit requirements.
  •  Bachelor's degree in Finance, Accounting, or related field.
  •  Professional certification (e.g., CPA, CMA) preferred.
  •  Minimum of 5 years of experience in financial management, preferably in the non-profit sector.
  •  Strong knowledge of non-profit accounting principles and practices.
  •  Experience with grant management and donor reporting.
  •  Proficiency in financial software and Microsoft Office Suite.
  •  Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
  •  Strong attention to detail and accuracy.
  •  Ability to communicate complex financial information clearly.
  •  Experience in budgeting, forecasting, and financial planning.
  •  Knowledge of financial regulations and compliance requirements.
  •  Strong organizational and time management skills.
  •  Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
  •  Experience in managing audits and working with external auditors.
  •  Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
  •  Commitment to the mission and values of the organization.
  •  Ability to handle confidential information with integrity.
  •  Experience in developing and implementing financial policies.
  •  Proven track record of managing financial risks.
  •  Ability to mentor and develop finance staff.
Please Submit your CV and cover letter to 
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MasterPeace in a Cross-Cultural World

MasterPeace in a Cross-Cultural World

On August 12, 2024

MasterPeace in a Cross-cultural World

As MasterPeace we are active in 40+ countries on 4 continents. Learning by doing and with tons of “gut feeling” we support the ambitions of changemakers cross cultures.

In our EU project SGA 2024 (co-funded by the European Commission), we discussed how we grow from “gut feeling” towards a way in which “the other” better understands our intention. It is our experience that working together and communicating effectively together with people from different cultures, with different backgrounds, different upbringings, and education, different habit patterns, customs, and rituals require extra attention. Especially in Operations where details matter, and where communication is an important part of the job. How we communicate is largely culturally determined by how we grew up, were brought up and educated in our early years. This is how we developed our personal communication preferences.

'Look at me when I speak to you,' my school teacher and mother told me. Punam from Nepal and Nikki from Japan, have never heard me say that. On the contrary. They are expected to lower their eyes down, when an adult speaks to them.

All these different cultural and habitual patterns in communicating, often produce a Babylonian confusion of speech. Even when you have agreed to have everyone speak the same language.

How fun and valuable it is then to discover together, where we differ, and how we can difference.

The Lewis Model and Culture Active are a wonderful and practical tool for this, which we would like to introduce you to. You can use it to discover your own personal communication preferences, and make a comparison with more than 100 profiles of countries worldwide. Take a look at the website https://secu

This is one of the helpful overviews.

 For more information, have a look at under the tab FILES.

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Middle Income Trap and MasterPeace Role

Middle Income Trap and MasterPeace Role

On August 9, 2024

Middle Income Trap and MasterPeace Role

Never waste a good crises is a known saying. That the word crisis come from the meaning of crossroads is not so well known. Let's dive into the crossroads that the World Bank shows in the great research paper (June 2024) on transitions in Middle-Income Countries.

The title of the report : Middle Income Trap” triggered me to write this article to discover the impact of their analyses on the strategy of MasterPeace Foundation and our licensed networks in 40+ countries

The 108 middle-income countries with incomes per capita between US$1,136 and US$13,845 aim to reach high-income status within the next two or three decades. When assessed against this goal, the record is dismal: the total population of the 34 middle-income economies that transitioned to high-income status since 1990 is less than 250 million, the population of Pakistan.

So, the key question is, what do societies in middle-income countries need to scale, what can we do as NGOs, and especially what can MasterPeace do to accelerate?

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-09 at 16.33.11_24f1986b

The World Bank Analyses relevant to the MP Strategy and ambition in brief:

Countries with weaker institutions and especially those with lower levels of economic and political freedom are susceptible to slowdowns at even lower levels of income:

=> MasterPeace works on positive action to engage youngsters as active citizens and boost democratic values. Our approach of using the Arts and Sports (“Artivism”) to bring youngsters and communities together is a proven best practice worldwide.

  • Successful middle-income countries will have to engineer two successive transitions to develop economic structures that can eventually sustain high-income levels. The first transition is from a 1i strategy for accelerating investment to a 2i strategy focusing on both investment and infusion in which a country brings technologies from abroad and diffuses them domestically—a process broadly applicable to lower-middle-income countries. The second transition is to switch to a 3i strategy, which entails paying more attention to innovation—a process more applicable to upper-middle-income countries:

=>  Via our networks we are an enabler of knowledge transfers and build local capacity via our local teams and train- the trainer model on for example renewable energy as explained in our story as Driver of transformation in Cameroon “

  • Foreign trade and investment are in danger of becoming constricted by geopolitical tensions, and populism is shrinking the room for governments to act:

=> We believe in 8 billion talents. Based on our theory of change to ”engage, connect and empower” youngsters we are in 40+ countries the bridge builder that puts dialogue above judgments.

  • Accelerating climate action will require large investments in infrastructure and regulatory reforms that may stall productivity

=> Our campaign #COOLeader ( ) and monthly webinars like # Cool Talks are our way to address this immense challenge.

  • To reward merit, middle-income countries can upgrade their talent pools, select efficient learners, and tap the productive power of women

=> We believe in abundance and tap into the 8 billion talents. Via our train-the-trainer approach in youth work and education, we work on quality education and gender equality. In 2023 our 400+ projects involved 295.000 direct and 1 million + indirect participants. Numbers to be proud on and encouraging to continue and double our impact

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MasterPeace, Member of the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership

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