
Improving Smiles: Oral Health Campaigns in Assam

Improving Smiles: Oral Health Campaigns in Assam

On May 29, 2024

In rural Assam, the Oral Health Awareness Campaigns led by MasterPeace India's Assam club are making a huge difference in the lives of people. The campaign was conducted on 10 May 2024. Supported by the Siloti Archive Research and Cultural Centre and Paikan Yuva Munch, the aim of the campaign was to improve dental health in these rural communities with limited access. The campaign significantly contributed to Sustainable Development Goal 3, which primarily focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all.

Oral Hygiene in rural Assam, like in many other parts of India, faces significant challenges. Limited access to dental care, lack of awareness about oral health, and inadequate hygiene practices contribute to widespread dental health issues. Many residents in these areas have never visited a dentist, and preventive care is often neglected. The impact of poor oral hygiene is not limited to just dental problems but extends beyond, affecting overall quality of life.

The success of this initiative owes a lot to Dr. Yahya Ahmed Barbhuiya from Kalain Dental Clinic and Dr. Masum Ahmed Barbhuiya from Barak Dental Spot. Their support and expertise have been invaluable for this initiative. The doctors also shared their thoughts on the campaign's success. “It should be our goal to make dental care accessible and educate people on maintaining their oral health” said one of the doctors.

Abdullah, the MasterPeace India- Assam club leader, said, “The success of this program portrays the urgency for sustained oral health initiatives in rural parts of Assam. "We are committed to making dental care accessible to everyone and making the communities aware to ensure long-term health benefits,” he added.

Throughout the campaign, over 70 patients received thorough check-ups and free medication, marking an important step towards better oral health. This event showed how effective community-driven efforts can be in promoting wellness.  The campaign has also inspired local youth to take an active role in promoting oral hygiene.

Individuals who came for the check-up expressed their gratitude and shared their experiences. "I have never had a dental check-up before," said one of the local residents. "Thanks to this campaign, I received treatment and learned how to take care of my teeth properly. It has been a life-changing experience for me and my family."

Thanks to the ongoing support from the partners, the MasterPeace India-Assam club will be able to run the weekly village-to-village oral health awareness campaign. This consistent effort will help ensure better oral health for more people across rural Assam.

MP Assam Oral Hygiene 4

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MasterPeace : Member of the Education for Climate Coalition and the European Climate Pact.

MasterPeace : Member of the Education for Climate Coalition and the European Climate Pact.

On May 21, 2024

MasterPeace is a member of the Education for Climate Coalition and the European Climate Pact.

Many initiatives have been launched in the last 12 months based on the EU Green Deal. We will actively participate in, learn from, and share 2 of them.

1. The European participatory community supports teaching and learning for the green transition and sustainable development.

“’ To make a difference’—this is what the #EducationForClimate Coalition is all about. To make a difference in your school, in your neighborhood, and in the region, you live in and to contribute actively to the green transition our societies are going through." Former Commissioner Mariya Gabriel

As a flagship initiative of the European Education Area by 2025 and an essential part of the European Green Deal, the Education for Climate Coalition is part of the European Union's comprehensive approach to environmental sustainability education. Likewise, as a community of practice, it enriches both the Council recommendation on teaching and learning for the green transition and sustainable development and Green Comp, the sustainability competence framework, with its participatory approach for taking action on education for climate challenges on the ground.

MasterPeace will be an active member as we will learn and contribute in specific areas

  1. Building our expertise on the competence framework of sustainability.
    • The aim of GreenComp is to foster a sustainability mindset by helping users develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to think, plan, and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet. GreenComp results from a robust research methodology involving a large and diverse group of experts and stakeholders to build a consensus on an agreed proposal. It provides a general reference model that everyone involved in lifelong learning can use to design learning opportunities aimed at developing sustainability competencies and to assess progress in supporting education and training for sustainability
  2. Boost the impact of our events. MasterPeace focuses on three main events a year:

2. The EU Climate Pact:; My world. My action. Our planet.

The European Climate Pact encourages everyone to act. It is a movement of people united around a common cause, each taking steps in their own worlds to build a more sustainable Europe for us all. Launched by the European Commission, the Pact is part


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MasterPeace Bangladesh and MasterPeace Sierra Leone came together to celebrate International Women’s Day through Sports

MasterPeace Bangladesh and MasterPeace Sierra Leone came together to celebrate International Women’s Day through Sports

On May 20, 2024

MasterPeace Bangladesh and MasterPeace Sierra Leone came together to celebrate International Women's Day in a unique and empowering way under the theme "Inspire Inclusion" on 8th March 2024. Both clubs organized a football match for women, where they showcased the power of unity and collaboration from across borders. The match aimed to inspire empowerment among women, aligning with the 2024 International Women’s Day theme, “Invest in women: Accelerate progress”.

In the sporting event, each country formed two female teams. One team from each country represented another country but played in their home country. This unique event was attended by representatives from various women's organizations, youth groups, community stakeholders, members of parliament, religious leaders, and other well-wishers

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"I am excited to see women coming together to celebrate this day," said one of the spectators, a representative from a women's organization in Bangladesh. "It's amazing to see how sports can bring us together and empower. We need to invest in women if we want change, and this is a great example of it". 
“Women in Sierra Leone are often subjected to discrimination when it comes to participating in sports," noted by, a youth leader from Sierra Leone. "Events like these are important in promoting gender equality and breaking stereotypes."

The event aimed to tackle the issue of gender inequality and lack of inclusion faced by women in sports in both Bangladesh and Sierra Leone. The participants were mostly young girls under the age of 16. “This event has taught me the importance of collaboration and inclusivity in creating a more equitable society,” expressed one of the participants from Bangladesh. “It’s a reminder that together, we can all work towards creating equal opportunities for women and girls like myself”.

Women in these countries often face barriers to participation in sports and other social activities, limiting their opportunities for empowerment and further advancement. By organizing a football match targeted towards women, the project aimed to challenge these traditional norms and promote a more inclusive society. The sporting event provided a platform for women to showcase their skills, challenge stereotypes, and in turn promote gender equality.

This event is a great example of co-creation among organizations across continents and breaking barriers. It demonstrated that impactful initiatives can be achieved through collaboration, even in the absence of extensive resources. This unique football match served as an inspiration to many, showing that women can achieve great heights when given the opportunity and support. The sporting event had many lessons learned for the organizers. The insights from this event underscore the power of partnerships in reaching shared objectives and the significance of employing creative approaches to social change.

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The powerful and impactful event was initiated by MasterPeace Bangladesh and its dedicated team members: Istiak Ahmed, Shahed Ahmed, Amin, Jamil, Bijit, and others. With a long history of implementing various interventions related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), MasterPeace Bangladesh is more motivated than ever and open to further collaboration, support, and creative perspectives.

Video Link of The Event and Football Match !

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MasterPeace, Member of the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership

MasterPeace, Member of the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership

On May 17, 2024

We are thrilled to be invited by UNESCO to be an active member of the Greening Education Partnership. We will participate and contribute to work on climate justice and planetarian citizenship. On behalf of the 60 MasterPeace clubs in 40+ countries we will share and scale our best practice concepts based on Artivism and Doughnut Economy Methodology. Based on the global research with the MP clubs and partners like,

It is evident that all stakeholders understand the impact of climate change, but all flag that they lack  the awareness how they themselves can stop this immense thread. Education is a key player to create awareness. Schools and teachers need new, innovative Formal and Non-Formal Education materials. Via projects co funded by the European Union called ACT as a Doughnut (in The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Germany) and tailored to the Mena region the project “DOUACTism”  (Lebanon, Morocco, Croatia, Kosovo) MasterPeace act as a catalyst. We train youth workers and teacher on the new methodologies to address social inclusion and climate action. On a local level the youth workers and teacher engage their youth/ students to start local projects, creating city portraits and performing business scans and advice local decision makers on how to (step by step) improve the sustainability of their city and business. The impacts are impressive as the youth / students feel that they matter and contribute and design their own future. In this way we “eat the elephant piece by piece”.

We are eager to contribute to the UNESCO Greening Education via sharing our best practice expertise and are looking for added value of the partnership to learn, improve and scale our impact.

Our mantra “Creating peace. Together” is exactly this. Creating a portfolio on social inclusion and climate justice. Together. This is not a nice, but need to have in order to realize the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

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